A Project Rooted in Stewardship
Coyote Creek is not just about generating clean energy—it’s about creating a better future. Here’s how we’re committed to preserving the land and creating an environmentally responsible solar development:
Land Conservation
- By dedicating this land to solar energy, we protect it from urban sprawl and other forms of disruptive development. This project helps maintain open space while supporting Sacramento County’s transition to clean energy.
- Paired with the solar development, the project is forwarding ambitious land preservation efforts. As part of its overall development strategy, the project is setting aside over 1,150 acres of environmentally sensitive lands onsite and adjacent to the project to be preserved forever via conservation easements. This will create permanent corridors and preserves on the landscape that will remain in place regardless of future development pressures such as mining, residential development, or other forms of development following solar decommissioning.
Habitat Protection
We work closely with environmental experts to ensure minimal disruption to local wildlife. Our plans include measures such as:
- Avoiding sensitive habitats during construction.
- Creating buffer zones for native species.
- Supporting biodiversity through ongoing monitoring and responsible management.
- Preserving habitat onsite and adjacent to the project to provide travel corridors and core habitat for wildlife to flourish for the long term.
Sustainable Design
Our solar installation is designed with the land in mind, using:
- Low-impact construction methods including trackers that follow terrain, which limit unnecessary grading.
- Pollinator-friendly vegetation beneath and around the panels.
- Soil regeneration practices top reserve and restore the land’s health.
Cultural Preservation
Coyote Creek Agrivoltaic Ranch is committed to respecting tribal interests by ensuring the project respects and protects the cultural, historical, and environmental significance of the land. We actively engage with tribal leaders and communities to identify and safeguard sacred sites, incorporate traditional knowledge into land stewardship practices, and foster collaboration throughout the project’s development. By prioritizing these values, we aim to create a renewable energy project that not only aligns with Sacramento County’s sustainability goals but also honors and uplifts tribal heritage and sovereignty.
Investing in Sacramento
The project will provide significant economic benefits to the Sacramento Community. The project will enhance the local economy:
- Bring a capital investment of at least $450 million to Sacramento County’s clean energy economy in the years to come, spurring economic development across the region.
- Generate up to 400 construction jobs and utilize the best and most highly trained workforce locally in Sacramento County through partnerships with local labor unions.
- Increase county tax revenue by millions of dollars over the life of the project.
- Invest dollars right here in Sacramento via low impact solar development in lieu of procuring energy from outside of SMUD’s territory.
- Create a scholarship program for Sacramento area highschooler seeking further education in STEM fields.
The Coyote Creek Agrivoltaic Ranch team is committed to answering questions and addressing any concerns from the community. You can contact us here.
Project Basics
The project’s capacity is expected to be 50 megawatts (MWs) and it is expected to generate enough energy to power more than 12,000 homes per year.
Sunlight Road is expected to begin construction in mid- or late 2022 and become operational in 2023.
We expect the project’s equipment to utilize approximately 285 acres.
There are several ways the community is expected to benefit from the solar farm. During construction, we expect the project to generate approximately 200-300 construction jobs. In addition, the project is expected to require a full-time on-site operations and maintenance position. The Parish is also expected to receive income in the form of sales tax, permitting fees, increased real property taxes from change in land use, and personal property taxes from the installed solar equipment.
We plan to source workers from the Parish to the extent commercially possible.
There are several factors that influence where we build a solar farm. The location of a solar farm must be close to transmission infrastructure, such as substations and/or transmission lines, which have the capacity to add additional electricity to the grid. There are a limited number of locations which have the necessary infrastructure and capacity for additional electricity that also have usable land nearby. Solar developers generally prefer land that is cleared and relatively flat. We seek to avoid land that is environmentally sensitive, such as critical species habitats or wetlands. Although Washington Parish doesn’t have regulations surrounding solar installations, we would likely still would have been interested in developing a site in this area if the Parish had an established solar ordinance.
As part of the planning and development of all of our projects, we plan to comply with all local, state, and federal permit requirements. Examples of permits the project may be required to obtain include the following: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for wetland permitting, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality for Stormwater Permit, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for access and utility crossings, Washington Parish for Special Use Permit (if established by an ordinance) and Commercial Improvements Permit.
Solar projects have a low ground coverage – the panels sit on steel piles and therefore do not use concrete pads which would cover the surface of the property. The property is therefore similar to a pasture once it has been built, with grass being the main land cover for a large percentage of the project area. We try to avoid grading where possible, leaving existing drainage patterns in place and allowing for better sediment control. During construction, we expect to use best management practices to manage stormwater, including maintaining vegetation coverage, constructing silt fences, and straw waddle lines. We must also put in place a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), which has standards and guidelines that must be followed during construction to mitigate any stormwater issues that might occur. After construction is finished, we plan to reseed the property to ensure there will be a vegetative cover underneath the solar panels, helping to reduce any erosion.
Solar panels and associated equipment do not pose a risk to public health.
The project will be designed to withstand 134mph wind speeds.
We will reseed the project area once construction is complete. Seeding the site with native grasses helps to stabilize and regenerate the topsoil for the life of the project. We also manage the grasses by mowing as needed and do not anticipate the need to use pesticides, herbicides, or sterilants.
We will hire a subcontractor who will take care of grounds maintenance during the operations of the solar facility. This person is in addition to the full-time employee who maintains the project and will be hired locally if possible.
We expect that rain will generally adequately wash the panels.
We plan to install a vegetative screen or use existing vegetation to help screen the project along neighboring residential properties and roadways.
Our leases require the removal of all facilities, including those that are underground. We will provide a removal bond to the landowner and deliver a decommissioning plan from a construction company for the removal of facilities at the end of the project’s operational life.
Yes – the solar project has a limited long term impact to the land since the ground coverage is low with steel piles being the main component in contact with the ground. Grasses planted after construction help keep the soil stabilized and prevent erosion. After decommissioning, the site will be reseeded again.
About Us
D. E. Shaw Renewable Investments (DESRI) is a leading renewable energy developer, owner, and operator.
DESRI works with local partners to develop solar projects in close coordination with our home communities. DESRI has a history of collaborating with local partners and landowners to respond to their individual concerns.
In conjunction with industry and academic experts, DESRI will utilize construction and management techniques that help reduce environmental impact, as well as improve and maintain soil health.
Design and procurement strategies focus on using advanced solar panel and racking technologies to help maximize production and minimize project footprint.
Rancho Seco Solar II, Sacramento County
Rancho Seco Solar II, Sacramento County